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A USA company want software development on real time os

A USA company want software development on real time os

一家美国公司招聘软件工程师, 办工作签证,到美国工作。绝对真实。
resume发到: duansh@ies.ustb.edu.cn
联系人: 段世红

Software Engineer: Candidates for these positions will perform development and support of software libraries, drivers, and applications developed for multiple operating systems, including but not limited to Windows, VxWorks, Linux, Green Hills Integrity developed on PowerPC and/or X86 architectures.  The libraries and drivers are developed to interface with company’s board level products, currently available on ISA, PCMCIA, PCI, PMC and VME/VXI board formats. Familiarity with networking protocols (TCP/IP, SCSI, Fibre Channel, Ethernet) is considered a positive.  The core language used for this development is C/C++, and it is therefore required that the candidate possess sufficient C programming skills in addition to a BSEEor BCSC degree. Due to the nature of the software development performed, a basic understanding of digital hardware concepts, along with a functional understanding of computer bus structures is preferred.

Candidates should be good at English, hardware concepts and software development.