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欢迎大家用英语提问(welcome to friends ask question in English)

欢迎大家用英语提问(welcome to friends ask question in English)

Encouraged everybody to enter the competition,English is one of engineer subjects,welcome to ask question in English.
Please receive your email, I need your help about setup allegro15.5..thanks a lot.
I've had a letters from you today,I haven't answered your question.you had already deliver an article about install allegro15.5,Thank you of shared in your success.
LZ, do you have any crack of allegro15.5(license) ?
Cadence spb 15.5 license download:http://bbs.chinaecnet.com/uploadImages/Cadence SPB 15.5 license Crack.rar

[此贴子已经被一通百通于2006-1-22 14:31:22编辑过]

Mine english very poor now.so cannt to join .but if about PCB produce troubles,give me e-mail in chinese:williamtian@vip.sina.com,welcome~!
以诚待人,以诚会友! 人与人之间的联系是因为互相需要! 愿我们能互相帮助! 感谢支持!
thanks to all!my friends!