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Soccer Jerseys

Soccer Jerseys

(Reporter Ro ), the first time quarrel, become a tragedy of the fuse . July 9 , the reporter learned from the Central County , June 30 , the Township of the county lane grievances palm village murder , the male villagers Zhang and neighbors king old man after an argument , trying to shift the king of the old man a three successively killed , Zhang committed suicide .  
the evening of 9 families of the victims Ms. Zhang told reporters, 30 June 0900, the king of the old man at their own alfalfa for weeding, found that neighbors Zhang home , a few sheep in alfalfa See evil exposed , Zhang immediately rush home, took Sha Zhudao one out , and soon encountered the king of the old man who heard his son Wang , they lied to the dispute between the two king old man lying on its willing to go,Cheap China Jerseys online, and Wang forgive him , it has also not prepared to kill to take advantage of Wang . Then , Zhang rushed to the Royal , the king of the old man 's grandson, 9-year old killed .  
an insider, Zhang and Wang - old man an earlier occurrence of an argument , the existence of grievances , Zhang took the opportunity to be the king of the old man a three killed , daughter-in-law and granddaughter of the old man go out to have dodged a bullet . After the attack, more than 40 - year - old Zhang brandished a knife and committed suicide . At present , the Central County police in the investigation.
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