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(bwin中国可以用吗? )我定义的allegro env 变量(供参考)

(bwin中国可以用吗? )我定义的allegro env 变量(供参考)

路径 $....\HOME\pcbenv下的env文件,用记事本编辑,修改前先备份

source $TELENV
alias Pgdown zoom out
alias Pgup zoom in
alias ~R angle 90
alias End redisplay
alias Del delete
alias Home Zoom fit
alias Insert Define grid
alias up refresh padstack
alias us refresh symbol
alias Right 'skill x=0.1,y=0, b=axlWindowBoxGet(),axlWindowBoxSet(list(list(caar(b)+x cadar(b)+y) list( caadr(b)+x cadadr(b)+y)))'
alias Left 'skill x=-0.1,y=0, b=axlWindowBoxGet(),axlWindowBoxSet(list(list(caar(b)+x cadar(b)+y) list( caadr(b)+x cadadr(b)+y)))'
alias Up 'skill x=0,y=0.1, b=axlWindowBoxGet(),axlWindowBoxSet(list(list(caar(b)+x cadar(b)+y) list( caadr(b)+x cadadr(b)+y)))'
alias Down 'skill x=0,y=-0.1, b=axlWindowBoxGet(),axlWindowBoxSet(list(list(caar(b)+x cadar(b)+y) list( caadr(b)+x cadadr(b)+y)))'
funckey ' ' iangle 90
funckey ~H hilight
funckey ~U dehilight
funckey m move
funckey h pop mirror
funckey p place manual -h
funckey 2 OPTIONS LINE_WIDTH 0.2
funckey 5 OPTIONS LINE_WIDTH 0.5

### User Preferences section
### This section is computer generated.
### Please do not modify to the end of the file.
### Place your hand edits above this section.
set nolast_directory
set nolast_file
set padpath = E:\My\Allegro\pad\
set psmpath = E:\My\Allegro\AllegroLIB\
set modulepath = E:\My\Allegro\module\
set display_nohilitefont
unset allegro_etch_length_on
set allegro_dynam_timing = on
unset allegro_dynam_timing_fixedpos
set ads_boardrevs = 0
unset ads_logrevs
unset ads_textrevs
set no_zoom_to_object



Pgdown 缩小
Pgup 放大
CTRL+R 旋转90度 或者空格旋转90度
End 刷新
Del 删除
Home 全屏
Insert 格点设置
up 更新padstack
us 更新 symbol
CTRL+U 取消高亮
m 移动
p 移动元件
2 改变线宽0.2
5 改变线宽0.5
h 镜像

