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Embest Atmel AT91SAM3U ARM-CM3 MCUbwin客户端 (2)

Embest Atmel AT91SAM3U ARM-CM3 MCUbwin客户端 (2)


• Core

– ARM® Cortex™-M3 revision 2.0 running at up to 96 MHz

– Memory Protection Unit (MPU)

– Thumb®-2 instruction set

• Memories

– From 64 to 256 Kbytes embedded Flash, 128-bit wide access, memory accelerator, dual bank

– From 16 to 48 Kbytes embedded SRAM with dual banks

– 16 Kbytes ROM with embedded bootloader routines (UART, USB) and IAP routines

– Static Memory Controller (SMC): SRAM, NOR, NAND support. NAND Flash controller with 4-kbyte RAM buffer and ECC

• System

– Embedded voltage regulator for single supply operation

– POR, BOD and Watchdog for safe reset

– Quartz or resonator oscillators: 3 to 20 MHz main and optional low power 32.768 kHz for RTC or device clock.

– High precision 4/8/12 MHz factory trimmed internal RC oscillator and slow clock internal RC oscillator

– One PLL for device clock and one dedicated PLL for USB 2.0 High Speed Device

– Up to 19 peripheral DMA (PDC) channels and 4-channel central DMA

• Low Power Modes

– Sleep and Backup modes, down to 2.5 μA in Backup mode.

–Backup domain: VDDBU pin, RTC, 32 backup registers

–Ultra low power RTC: 0.6 μA

• Peripherals

– USB 2.0 Device: 480 Mbps, 4-kbyte FIFO, up to 7 bidirectional Endpoints, dedicated


– Up to 4 USARTs (ISO7816, IrDA®, Flow Control, SPI, Manchester support) and one


– Up to 2 TWI (I2C), 1 SPI, 1 SSC (I2S), 1 HSMCI (SDIO/SD/MMC)

– 3-Channel 16-bit Timer/Counter (TC) for capture, compare and PWM

– 4-channel 16-bit PWM (PWMC)

– 32-bit Real Time Timer (RTT) and RTC with calendar and alarm features

– 8-channel 12-bit 1Msps ADC with differential input mode and programmable gain
stage, 8-channel 10-bit ADC