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[讨论]Nios II工程模板 Hello World 和 Hello LED的区别

[讨论]Nios II工程模板 Hello World 和 Hello LED的区别

各位前辈,请教Nios II工程模板 Hello World 和 Hello LED到底区别在哪儿?
为什么从Hello World 建的工程最小得6K多(只是实现一个IO口输出),而Hello LED工程则可以少到200多字节?
是不是EP1C3在on chip memory里面也就只能运行个Hello World? 它的片上RAM只有7K多点,EP1C6也只有11K多

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-31 14:01:50编辑过]

区别在于hello world调用了printf函数
博客: http://NiosII.cublog.cn

如果不优化代码的话,直接生成的Hello World代码有30几K,起码现在提示我还需37K的空间,我的on chip memory是4K
而Hello LED生成的代码只有几百个字节,当然是没有用到printf函数
这个Hello World工程代码到底多在了哪儿?


"而Hello LED生成的代码只有几百个字节,当然是没有用到printf函数
这个Hello World工程代码到底多在了哪儿?"


 * This example is a freestanding program because it's entry point is the
 * function:
 *    void alt_main (void)
 * As opposed to "main()" as a "hosted" application would (see the
 * "hello_world" example).
 * Upon entry to alt_main():
 * - The CPU's caches (if any) have been initialized.
 * - The stack-pointer has been set.
 * - That's all. The rest is up to you.
 * If you modify this example and try to call C library functions such as
 * printf, they will NOT  work unless you explicitly initialize the system
 * If you wish to use C library calls, it is strongly suggested you start
 * with the hosted hello_world template which uses main() as it's entry
 * point.
 * On the other hand, if you want to write a program that gets-in even
 * earlier, you will need to provide your own assembly-language machine-setup
 * code by defining the symbol "_start". Any definition of _start in your
 * directory will override the library definition. You can find source code
 * for the Nios II library _start here:

这个版主不太冷 =========================== 我的bwin客户端 博客:http://blog.chinaecnet.com/u/20/index.htm



博客: http://NiosII.cublog.cn

对于Hello LED工程我是这么做的: