设计的是一个状态机,编译的时候出问题了,就是下面蓝色type语句出问题: 上面红色的代码已经有了s1,s2...s7声明,所以错误是:Error (10465): VHDL error at enum_encoding.vhd(17): name "s1" cannot be used because it is already used for a previously declared item 用s1,s2...s7表示常数应该可以吧,为什么有错误呢?请指教。(若没有红色部分代码,则没有错误) library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity enum_encoding is port(clock,reset: in std_logic; a,b,c,d,e: in boolean; sub,multi,add: out std_logic); end enum_encoding;
architecture archi of enum_encoding is
constant s1: std_logic_vector:="001"; constant s2: std_logic_vector:="010"; constant s3: std_logic_vector:="011"; constant s4: std_logic_vector:="100"; constant s5: std_logic_vector:="101"; constant s6: std_logic_vector:="110"; constant s7: std_logic_vector:="111"; type state_type is(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7); signal cs,ns:state_type; begin process(clock,reset) begin if(reset='1') then cs<=s1; elsif (clock'event and clock='1')then cs<=ns; end if; end process; process(cs,a,b,c,d,e) begin case cs is when s1=> multi<='0'; add<='0'; sub<='0'; if(a and not b and c) then ns<=s2; elsif(a and b and not c) then ns<=s4; else ns<=s1; end if; when s2=> multi<='1'; add<='0'; sub<='0'; if(not d ) then ns<=s3; else ns<=s4; end if; when s3=> multi<='0'; add<='1'; sub<='0'; if(a or d) then ns<=s4; else ns<=s3; end if; when s4=> multi<='1'; add<='1'; sub<='0'; if(a and b and not c) then ns<=s5; else ns<=s4; end if; when s5=> multi<='1'; add<='0'; sub<='0'; ns<=s6; when s6=> multi<='0'; add<='1'; sub<='1'; if(not e) then ns<=s7; else ns<=s6; end if; when s7=> multi<='0'; add<='1'; sub<='0'; if(e) then ns<=s1; else ns<=s7; end if; end case; end process; end archi;