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[求助]关于Memory Compiler.

[求助]关于Memory Compiler.

Memory Compiler是干什么用的??

如果要从事设计Memory Compiler需要学些什么呢?

Each memory compiler is a set of various, parameterized generators. The generators are:

? Layout Generator

: generates an array of custom, pitch-matched leaf cells.

? Schematic Generator & Netlister

: extracts a netlist which can be used for both LVS check and functional verification.

? Function & Timing Model Generators

: for gate level simulation, dynamic/static timing analysis and synthesis

? Symbol Generator

: for schematic capture

? Critical Path Generator & ETC

: there are many special purpose generators such as critical path generator used for both

circuit design and AC timing characterization.

所以memory compiler就是用于生成memory的生成器,这一般是生成可以综合的rtl,当然也可以是只用来仿真用的。


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