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请教Serial Bootloader问题

请教Serial Bootloader问题



1.1.5 Device Peripheral Usage
The Bootloaders are used with the 56F83xx device configured in MODE 0 (MA = 0).
The Bootloaders use only internal Data RAM from 0x0000 to 0x0FFF and internal Program
RAM for data buffering.
The Bootloaders initialize only the following 56F83xx device peripherals:
? SCI 0 for 56F836x devices
? SCI 0 for 56F835x devices
? SCI 0 for 56F834x devices
? SCI 1 for 56F832x devices
? Timer A
? PLL initialization
Each peripheral is set to its default state when loading is complete.

如:文档描述“ SCI 0 for 56F836x devices” 是否可以通过更改bootloader程序将在线更新的通讯端口设为SCI1?

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-25 0:06:02编辑过]


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