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时间:2021-06-17 14:29:11      

主办单位 Sponsor:

·       青岛市人民政府

承办单位 Organize:

·       青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室

Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology

·       青岛蓝谷管理局

Qingdao Oceantec Valley Administration Bureau

协办单位 Supporter:

·       中国科学院海洋科学研究所

Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences

·       中国水产科学研究院

Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences

·       中国地质调查局青岛海洋地质研究所

China Geologoical Servey Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology

·       中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会

National Ocean Technology Center

·       国家深海基地管理中心

National Deep Sea Center

·       国家海洋局第一海洋研究所

The First Institute of Oceanography,SOA

·       国家海洋局天津海水淡化与综合利用研究所

The Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utillization,SOA(Tianjin)

·       国家海洋局宣传教育中心

Publicity and Education Center of the State Oceanic Administration

·       中国海洋学会

Chinese Society for Oceanography

·       中国太平洋学会

Pacific Society of China ,Psc

·       中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会

China Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association

·       中国海洋湖沼学会

Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology

·       山东大学

Shandong University

·       中国海洋大学

Ocean University of China

·       哈尔滨工业大学

Harbin Institute of Technology

·       天津大学

Tianjin University

·       四川大学

Sichuan University

·       西北工业大学

Northwestern Polytechnical University

·       武汉理工大学

Wuhan University of Technology

·       中国船舶信息中心

China Shipbuilding Information Center

·       中国航天科技集团公司第九研究院第十三研究所

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation 13th Institute of the No.9 Academy

执行单位 Execution Unit:

·       青岛欧森会展服务有限公司

Qingdao Ocean Exhibition service Co., Ltd


Synopsis of OST

科技经略海洋 创新实现梦想

Science Develops the Ocean Innovation Achieves the Dream

青岛国际海洋科技展览会(OST)是经山东省政府批准,青岛市人民政府主办,青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室、青岛蓝谷管理局联合承办的以“科技经略海洋,创新实现梦想”为主题的专业性展会,旨在打造最具规模和影响力的海洋科技交流平台、成果交易平台和产品展示平台。展会主题鲜明、内容丰富、成果丰硕,经过多年的专业化运作,已经成为国内以海洋科技为主题的品牌展会之一,每年邀请海洋、海事、农业相关科研机构、高校、涉海企业参展、参观、采购。 展会的展览面积达30000平方米,吸引专业买家和采购商的数量达到10000余家,参观观众达30000人次,吸引国内外500余家研究院与企业参展,其中包括:青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室、中国船舶重工集团公司第七〇五研究所、中国地质调查局青岛海洋地质研究所、中国地质调查局北京探矿工程研究所、山东省科学院海洋仪器仪表研究所、中国科学院上海技术物理研究所、中国海洋大学、山东大学、四川大学、天津大学、武汉理工大学、西北工业大学以及上海劳雷、亨通电力、中船重工南京鹏力科技、山东易华录、蓝梭电子、欧森系统、远洋探海机器人、瑞士特瑞堡工程系统等。 海科展期间,来自海洋科技领域的专家学者和企业家也齐聚蓝谷,探讨海洋科技发展新趋势,畅聊蓝色经济发展新思路。同期举办的青岛海洋国际高峰论坛围绕智慧海洋与技术装备、海洋观测探测勘测、海洋船舶与技术、海洋环境监测等方面举办专题论坛,探讨前沿技术和行业发展趋势。另外,还有中国科学院专利成果拍卖会、国际水中机器人大赛以及技术成果推介会等相关主题活动。 青岛海科展的举办进一步提高了青岛作为中国海洋科技中心的知名度,为推进青岛蓝谷打造世界海洋创新高地注入更多的智慧和活力,展现青岛海洋科技之城形象,加快青岛海洋科技走向世界的步伐!
Qingdao International Ocean Science and Technology Exhibition is a professional exhibition,which is approved by Shandong Provincial Government, hosted by Qingdao Municipal People's Government, jointly undertaken by Qingdao National Laboratory and Technology for Marine Science and Technology and Qingdao Oceantec Valley Administration Bureau for marine science and technology ,with the theme of “Science Develops the Ocean, Innovation Achieves the Dreams”, aiming at building up the largest and most influential exchange platform , outcome trading platform and products displaying platform of marine science and technology.OST has received support from Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Transport, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Ocean University of China and other national ministries, central enterprises and universities. It has been held in Qingdao Oceantec Valley every September since 2016, which has been continuously held three sessions. In 2019, the fourth session of OST will be held at Qingdao International Expo Center from September 24th to 26th, 2019. It will mainly exhibit marine engineering technology and equipment, maritime, fishery technology and equipment, and comprehensive utilization of seawater, etc.Relevant units in marine, maritime, agricultural and related scientific research institutions, universities and marine-related enterprises will be invited to participate, visit and purchase in the exhibition .The exhibition covers area of 30,000 square meters, is expected to attract more than 500 exhibitors from all over the world, 10,000 professional buyers and purchasers, 30,000 visitors. In the meanwhile, it will hold other activities such as the 12th International Underwater Robot Competition (URC) and MATE Underwater Robot International Competition China Qualifying Competition, and hold thematic forums focusing on aspects of intelligent marine and technical equipment, marine observation and survey, shipping and technology, environmental monitoring, etc. to explore advanced technology and industry trends.The platform of online exhibition —Marine Online ( will set up an exhibition for the exhibitors, which will never end.


















