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[bwin中国可以用吗? ] Cirrus CS48LV12超低功耗HD音频处理方案

关键词:消费类电子 智能手机 平板电脑 音频设备 CS48LV12

时间:2015-08-07 10:26:47       作者:Cirrus       来源:bwin客户端

Cirrus公司的CS48LV12和CS48LV13是采用SoundClear®技术的超低功耗语音处理器,为高清(HD)语音质量性能,功能和成本效应提出了新标准,为智能手机,平板电脑,手持设备,扬声器/扬声器手机提供了完整的语音,音频播放和语音处理解决方案.本文介绍了CS48LV12/13主要特性,框图,CRD48L10-4in4out 评估板主要元件,输入/输出指标和框图.

The CS48LV12 and CS48LV13 ultralow power voice processors feature Cirrus Logic’s patented SoundClear® technologyto provide a new standard in HD Voice quality performance, functionality, and cost effectiveness. These ICs provide a totalvoice processing solution for handset and hands-free communications that deliver best-in-class noise reduction, echocancellation, and speech recognition. The CS48LV12 and CS48LV13 can enable advanced features including always-onvoice trigger, command recognition, ASR pre-processing, and audio enhancement. nnovative single and multi-mic algorithms with intelligent speech tracking and noice elimination assure optimal user experience in the most challengingand dynamic noise environments and deliver superior performance despite varying speech levels, talker distance, orproduct orientation.


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