关键词:电源管理 AX/DC转换器 PFC UCC28063
时间:2016-01-19 13:42:42 作者:TI 来源:bwin客户端
TI公司的UCC28063是具有改善的抗噪性能的自然交叉(Natural Interleaving)转换模式功率因数校正(PFC)控制器,具有先进的可听噪音性能,相位管理功能,输入滤波器和消除输出电容器纹波电流,可减小电磁干扰滤波器尺寸,非线性误差放大器增益,无传感器电流整形能简化电路板布局并提高效率,主要用在100W到800W电源,游戏,数字转模拟机顶盒和家庭音响系统,家用电器和马达控制.本文介绍了UCC28063主要特性,框图和应用电路,以及高效高功率系数1300W AC/DC电源参考设计PMP10948主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计文件.
Optimized for consumer applications concerned with audible noise elimination, this solution extends the advantages of transition mode – high efficiency with low-cost components – to higher power ratings than previously possible. By utilizing a Natural Interleaving™ technique, both channels operate as masters (that is, there is no slave channel) synchronized to the same frequency. This approach delivers inherently strong matching, faster responses, and ensures that each channel operates in transition mode.