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[bwin中国可以用吗? ] PowerInt InnoSwitch 3-CP系列45W USB PD电源参考设计(DER-536)

关键词:电源管理 AC/DC转换器 DC/DC转换器

时间:2017-10-25 10:34:54       作者:PowerInt       来源:bwin客户端

PowerInt公司的InnoSwitch™3-CP系列在单片IC内集成了初级和次级控制器以及安全标准的反馈,具有多种保护如线路过压和欠压保护,输出过压和过流限制,超温关断等,大大简化了反激电源转换器的设计和制造.本文介绍了InnoSwitch™3-CP系列产品亮点,框图,典型应用电路,以及45W USB PD电源参考设计DER-536主要特性和指标,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The InnoSwitch™3-CP family of ICs dramatically simplifies the designand manufacture of flyback power converters, particularly thoserequiring high efficiency and/or compact size. The InnoSwitch3-CPfamily incorporates primary and secondary controllers and safety-ratedfeedback into a single IC.

InnoSwitch3-CP family devices incorporate multiple protection featuresincluding line over and under-voltage protection, output over-voltageand over-current limiting, and over-temperature shutdown. Devices areavailable that support the common combinations of latching andauto-restart behaviors required by applications such as quick chargeand USB PD designs. The devices are available with and withoutcable-drop compensation.


Highly Integrated, Compact Footprint
• Up to 94% efficiency across full load range..


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