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[bwin中国可以用吗? ] Avnet Zynq 7Z007SMiniZedbwin客户端

关键词:ARM Cortex-A9 MCU FPGA 系统级芯片(SoC) Zynq 7Z007S器件

时间:2018-02-11 09:39:03       作者:Avnet       来源:bwin客户端

Avnet公司的MiniZed™开发是基于Xilinx公司的Zynq 7Z007S器件,它是单核ARM® Cortex™-A9处理器系统,最大工作频率667MHz,256KB RAM,逻辑单元(LE)等效于Artix -7 FPGA,23K逻辑元件,1.8Mb区块RAM.而MiniZed™开发板存储了Micron 512 MB DDR3L,Micron 128 Mb Quad SPI NOR闪存,Micron 8GB eMMC,以及用于JTAG和UART的Micro USB连接器,用于大功率模式外接电源的Micro USB以及用于USB从器件连接的USB Type A主连接器.主要用在入门级/低成本Zynq开发环境,采用Wi-Fi和烂牙的无线设计,音频信号处和IoT/云连接.本文介绍了Zynq 7Z007S主要特性,MiniZed™开发板主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

MiniZed™ is a single-core Zynq 7Z007S development board.With the advent of the latest cost-optimized portfolio fromXilinx, this board targets entry-level Zynq developers witha low-cost prototyping platform.

This compact design features on-board connectivity through USB, Wi-Fi andBluetooth. Peripherals can be plugged into dual Pmod-compatible connectors,the Arduino-compatible shield interface or the USB 2.0 host interface. JTAGcircuitry is incorporated onto the MiniZed base board, so with a single micro-USB cable to your laptop you are already up and running. User LED’s, a buttonand a switch allow for a physical board interface.


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