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璁告棴鏅 璧勬繁宸ョ▼甯 |
鐜颁换鎭╂櫤娴﹀崐瀵间綋閫氱敤鍣ㄤ欢璧勬繁宸ョ▼甯堬紝鍏锋湁13骞寸殑DC/DC鐢垫簮鍙婄鏁e櫒浠剁幇鍦烘敮鎸佸伐绋嬪笀缁忓巻 |
[ 鏈杩 10 鏉¢棶绛 ] [ 鍏ㄩ儴鍙戣█ ] | ||
[闂細lpgoal] | CFP15鑳界敤鍦ㄥ揩閫熷厖鐢典腑涔 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | It is dependence on the fast charger spec requirement | [2014-7-17 10:19:12] |
[涓绘寔浜猴細ChinaECNet] | 鍚勪綅缃戝弸澶у涓婂崍濂斤紝娆㈣繋鍙傚姞涓數缃戝湪绾垮骇璋堬紝浠婂ぉ鎴戜滑閭璇峰埌NXP鐨勪笓瀹讹紝涓庡ぇ瀹跺叡鍚屾帰璁ㄢ淐FP15 灏佽鑲栫壒鍩轰簩绱氱鍦ㄥ井鍨嬪寲charger璁捐鈥濓紝娆㈣繋澶у韪婅穬鎻愰棶锛 | [2014-7-17 10:19:24] |
[涓绘寔浜猴細ChinaECNet] | 鍚勪綅缃戝弸锛岀幇鍦ㄦ垜浠凡缁忚繘鍏ラ棶绛旂幆鑺傦紝濡傛灉鎮ㄦ兂閲嶅瑙傜湅鍒氭墠鎾斁鐨勬紨璁插唴瀹癸紝璇风偣鍑婚〉闈笂鏂圭殑鈥滃湪绾挎紨绀衡濄 | [2014-7-17 10:19:48] |
[闂細zhangjshl] | 璇烽棶锛氬伐浣滄俯搴︽槸澶氬皯锛 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | Tj(max) is 150deC. | [2014-7-17 10:24:10] |
[涓绘寔浜猴細ChinaECNet] | 鍚勪綅缃戝弸锛屼粖澶╁弬鍔犻棶绛旂殑涓撳浜烘暟杈冨皯锛屽洖绛旈棶棰樼殑閫熷害浼氭瘮杈冩參涓鐐癸紝璇峰ぇ瀹惰愬績绛夊緟锛岃阿璋紒 | [2014-7-17 10:24:24] |
[闂細zhangjshl] | 鍙嶅悜鎭㈠鏃堕棿鏄灏戯紵 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | It is 16nS typical | [2014-7-17 10:26:05] |
[闂細stu_deepblue] | 鏈澶х數娴佹湁澶氬ぇ鐨 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | Currently our product support 10A and 15A. | [2014-7-17 10:26:52] |
[闂細hjb85] | 鍙嶅悜鎭㈠鏃堕棿闇瑕佸涔咃紵 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | It is 16nS typical. | [2014-7-17 10:27:36] |
[闂細liang-1011] | 鏈澶ф敮鎸佸澶ф寔缁數娴侊紵 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | We have two type support 10A and 15A. | [2014-7-17 10:28:08] |
[闂細joiny] | CFP15灏佽鐨勪紭鍔挎湁鍝簺锛 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | higher thermal performance and smaller dimension | [2014-7-17 10:28:51] |
[涓绘寔浜猴細ChinaECNet] | 鍚勪綅缃戝弸锛岀幇鍦ㄦ垜浠凡缁忚繘鍏ラ棶绛旂幆鑺傦紝濡傛灉鎮ㄦ兂閲嶅瑙傜湅鍒氭墠鎾斁鐨勬紨璁插唴瀹癸紝璇风偣鍑婚〉闈笂鏂圭殑鈥滃湪绾挎紨绀衡濄 | [2014-7-17 10:29:53] |
[闂細jwdxu2009] | 鎬т环姣斿浣曪紝 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | cost effective with high performance | [2014-7-17 10:30:04] |
[闂細hjb85] | 鍐呴儴閲囩敤浠涔堟潗鏂欙紵 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | It is used the clip bonding technolog to instead of the normal wire bonding. | [2014-7-17 10:31:02] |
[闂細hc0814] | 鏈夊嚑绉嶅皝瑁 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | The CFP15 package is optimize for Low Power Adapter 10W ~15W application. | [2014-7-17 10:35:31] |
[闂細jackson2005] | 浣跨敤CFP15灏佽鑲栫壒鍩哄湪PCB甯冭仈鏈洪渶娉ㄦ剰浠涔?浠ヤ究鍙互鍙戞尌鍏跺簳閮ㄦ暎鐑墖鍔熻兘? | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | As big as possible for the thermal pad size to increase the let the heat dissipate through the PCB well. | [2014-7-17 10:37:12] |
[闂細zh_angei] | 鍝湁璇︾粏璧勬枡涓嬭浇鏈浣庡伐浣滄俯搴︽槸澶氬皯璋㈣阿 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | The minimum temperature is -65deC. | [2014-7-17 10:38:31] |
[闂細jackson2005] | 浣跨敤CFP15灏佽鑲栫壒鍩哄彲浠ュ鍔犲灏戞晥鐜?鏈夋棤瀹炴祴鏁版嵁鏀寔? | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | The CFP15 is high C/P value solution for cost and performance point of view. | [2014-7-17 10:41:03] |
[闂細鏈ㄥ瓙楸糫 | 宸ヤ綔鏈澶ч鐜囨槸澶氬皯锛 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | It is really dependence on application. | [2014-7-17 10:44:02] |
[闂細cquwuqiang] | 涓嶅鍔犲姞鏁g儹鍣紝鎱㈣礋鑽峰伐浣滃櫒浠舵俯鍗囨槸澶氬皯锛 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | It is dependence on the PCB PAD size. | [2014-7-17 10:45:37] |
[闂細jackson2005] | 鏈夋棤瀹為檯搴旂敤渚?浣跨敤NXP鐨勪骇鍝佸強鍏跺畠鐗屼骇鍝佹湁澶氬皯宸紓? | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | NXP CFP15 offer the same performance with other vendors but higher quality performance. | [2014-7-17 10:46:31] |
[闂細zhangjshl] | 璇烽棶锛氱敱浜庝綋绉緢灏忥紝瀵筆CB甯冪嚎鏈変綍鐗规畩瑕佹眰锛 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | As bigger as possible for the pad to get better thermal performance. | [2014-7-17 10:47:11] |
[闂細hjb85] | 鏄惁鏈夐拡瀵逛綆VF鍜屼綆IR杩涜浼樺寲锛 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | Yes , the Vf and Ir is the most important parameters for schottky diode device. | [2014-7-17 10:47:55] |
[闂細hjb85] | 鏄惁鍙互鏀寔鍏夊鐒婄偣妫鏌ワ紵 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | Yes ! | [2014-7-17 10:48:32] |
[闂細jackson2005] | Vr50V鍙互鐢ㄥ湪澶氬皯V鐨凩PA?鍚屾牱鐨刅r45V涓轰綍? | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | Normally it is used for 5v uotput adapter , 50v Vr could get more design margin. | [2014-7-17 10:49:23] |
[闂細qditz] | CFP15閮芥敮鎸佸摢浜涘钩鍙版垨鑰呭崗璁紝鍙互浜屾寮鍙戯紵 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | The CPF15 is not only for LPA application but also for other application like the back drive protection...etc. | [2014-7-17 10:50:22] |
[闂細tobn] | 姝e父宸ヤ綔鏈楂樻俯搴﹁寖鍥?璁捐涓渶瑕佽冭檻鏁g儹闂? | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | The maximum Tj is 150deC.Thermal is very important design point. | [2014-7-17 10:51:09] |
[闂細jackson2005] | NXP鏈"higherqualityperformance",鍙惁鍏蜂綋璇存槑?璋㈣阿! | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | It is base on our fail return rate experience !! | [2014-7-17 10:52:05] |
[闂細cntszxb] | 姝e悜鍘嬮檷鏈灏忓灏戯紵 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | For PMEG45U10EPD , Vf=422mV(typ)@If=10A | [2014-7-17 11:20:10] |
[闂細zendy] | 鎶楀共鎵版庝箞澶勭悊 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | It is related to the layout and Trr performance. | [2014-7-17 11:21:06] |
[闂細jackson2005] | Solderability涓庢暎鐑ц兘鍏崇郴闈炲父绱у瘑.璇烽棶瑕佸浣曟祴璇曞強妫鏌ョ‘璁? | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | It is related to factory test criteria , it is normally use the X-inspection to check it. | [2014-7-17 11:23:05] |
[闂細iwqtthf] | CFP15 灏佽鑲栫壒鍩轰簩绱氱鐩稿浜庡叾浠栧櫒浠舵湁鍝簺鏂扮壒鎬? | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | bigger thermal pad to achieve the better thermal performance | [2014-7-17 11:23:52] |
[闂細jackson2005] | 姝e父NXP鐨刦ailreturnrate鏄灏?鐩告瘮鍏剁珵浜夊巶鍟嗘湁澶氬ぇ浼樺娍? | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | Sorry , it is confideintial , I can not release the data. | [2014-7-17 11:24:32] |
[闂細jackson2005] | 鏈夋洿楂樼數鍘嬪強鏇撮珮鐢垫祦鐨勫紑鍙戣鍒? | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | Yes , we will release higher voltage and current device in the future. | [2014-7-17 11:24:59] |
[闂細qihongbj] | 鏈夋暟鎹墜鍐屽悧锛 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | Pls download the datasheet from NXP website. Thanks ! | [2014-7-17 11:25:25] |
[涓绘寔浜猴細ChinaECNet] | 鍚勪綅缃戝弸锛岀敱浜庢椂闂寸殑鍏崇郴锛屼粖澶╃殑搴ц皥浼氬湪11:30缁撴潫锛岃澶у鎶撶揣鏃堕棿鎻愰棶銆 | [2014-7-17 11:26:04] |
[闂細jackson2005] | 鏈夋棤鏍囧噯鐨凱CB甯冪嚎鎸囧鍙緵鍙傝? | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | We just provide the footprint recommandation , the layout is really dependence on the design. | [2014-7-17 11:26:37] |
[闂細tobn] | 鑲栫壒鍩轰簩绾х浜у搧鐨勮鏍煎ぇ灏忓弬鏁版槸濡備綍鐨? | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | The shottky diode key parameter are the Vf , Ir and Trr. | [2014-7-17 11:27:29] |
[闂細cy301] | 鏈夊摢浜涙柊鎶鏈柊搴旂敤 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | The package is used the clip bonding technology to instead of the normnal wire bonding. | [2014-7-17 11:28:11] |
[闂細lpgoal] | 鏁g儹闇瑕佸摢浜涚壒鍒鐞 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | As bigger as possible for the pad to get better thermal performacne. | [2014-7-17 11:28:40] |
[闂細hjb85] | 鍦ㄧ粨鏋勫師鐞嗕笂涓嶱N缁撲簩鏋佺鏈変粈涔堝尯鍒紵 | |
[绛旓細martinhsu] | The most difference is the Vf , so shottky designed more mobility for the electronic , electronic hole to achieve the low Vf performance. | [2014-7-17 11:31:27] |
[涓绘寔浜猴細ChinaECNet] | 鍚勪綅缃戝弸锛屼粖澶╃殑搴ц皥鍒拌繖閲屽氨缁撴潫浜嗭紝鎰熻阿澶у鍙備笌銆 | [2014-7-17 11:35:33] |
[ 鏈杩 10 鏉¢棶绛 ] [ 鍏ㄩ儴鍙戣█ ] |
鎭╂櫤娴﹀崐瀵间綋NXP Semiconductors N.V.锛圢asdaq: NXPI锛夋眹闆嗚嫳鎵嶏紝鍏卞悓鍒涢犵獊鐮存ф妧鏈紝涓烘洿鏅烘収瀹夊叏鐨勪簰鑱斾笘鐣屼繚椹炬姢鑸備綔涓哄叏鐞冮鍏堢殑宓屽叆寮忓簲鐢ㄥ畨鍏ㄨ繛鎺ヨВ鍐虫柟妗堟彁渚涘晢锛屾仼鏅烘郸涓嶆柇瀵绘眰姹借溅銆佸伐涓氱墿鑱旂綉銆佺Щ鍔ㄨ澶囧拰閫氫俊鍩虹璁炬柦甯傚満鐨勭獊鐮达紝鍚屾椂涓嶆柇鎺ㄥ嚭瑙e喅鏂规锛屽姪鍔涘疄鐜板彲鎸佺画鍙戝睍鐨勬湭鏉ャ傛仼鏅烘郸鎷ユ湁瓒呰繃60骞寸殑涓撲笟鎶鏈強缁忛獙锛屽湪鍏ㄧ悆30澶氫釜鍥藉璁炬湁涓氬姟鏈烘瀯锛屽憳宸ヨ揪34,500浜猴紝2022骞村叏骞磋惀涓氭敹鍏132.1浜跨編鍏冦傛洿澶氫俊鎭鐧诲綍www.nxp.com.cn銆